Archer-class Scout

Three-view orthographic plans of the Archer-class scout.
Arch­er-class Scout

Arch­er-class scouts are small, fast ves­sels designed spe­cific­ally to con­duct research and recon­nais­sance mis­sions in sens­it­ive areas. Unlike the lar­ger Her­mes-class which per­forms the same role at a dis­tance with advanced sensor and com­puter equip­ment, Arch­ers rely on their size, speed and stealth char­ac­ter­ist­ics to evade detec­tion and pur­suit in close-range obser­va­tions. They are often used to observe worlds inter­dicted under the Prime Dir­ect­ive, as well as con­duct research and explor­a­tion along hos­tile bor­ders. Space on these ves­sels is lim­ited so the crew hot­bunk and are notori­ous for their lack of formality.

  • Year in Ser­vice: 2258
  • Dimen­sions: 45 m/21.4 m/8.06 m
  • Decks: 3
  • Crew Com­ple­ment: 14
  • Cruis­ing Speed: Warp 7
  • Max­im­um Speed: Warp 12

Game stat­ist­ics for the Arch­er-class space­frame can be found in the Rules Digest from the Star Trek Adven­tures Tri­cord­er Col­lect­or’s Box Set, p223.

Design: Okaza­ki, Masao. Star Trek: Van­guard (cr. Marco Palmieri, Dav­id Mack, Dayton Ward and Kev­in Dilmore, Pock­et Books, 2005).