Ministry Case Files

Case File: The Temple Vampire

The team’s first mis­sion, invest­ig­at­ing the bizarre cir­cum­stances sur­round­ing the death of an inof­fens­ive stock­broker. When their ini­tial sus­pi­cions that they are deal­ing with the vigil­ante-killing of a vam­pire prove incor­rect, they find them­selves com­mit­ted to the hunt for the real thing.

Case File: The Highbury Horror

Lady Ant­o­nia and Cap­tain Cur­ruth­ers lead a team of new agents in invest­ig­at­ing reports of a huge man car­ry­ing out bru­tal attacks around Highbury.

Case File: The Pyramids of Hertfordshire

The agents are sent on their first mis­sion out­side Lon­don, tasked with invest­ig­at­ing the strange lights and sounds eman­at­ing from the wooded hills above Alder­mans­ford. Arriv­ing in the middle of a police invest­ig­a­tion into a spate of bru­tal murders, they soon begin to encounter sham­bling corpses in the woods. And where do the eccent­ric industrialist’s Egyp­tian art col­lec­tion and the secret­ive research camp in the hills fit in?

Case File: The Case of the Jade Dragon (an Untold Tale of the Ministry)

Before the events of the Pyr­am­ids of Hert­ford­shire, mem­bers of the team were sent to mon­it­or the cov­ert arrival of a mys­ter­i­ous steam­er from China. While attempt­ing to dis­cov­er the con­tents of the cargo, they were attacked by mem­bers of a loc­al gang, led by power­ful indi­vidu­als with strange powers.

Case File: The Werewolves of Highgate

The team track a pair of were­wolves through a cemetery in North London.

Case File: The Madness of Angels

Tasked with invest­ig­at­ing the mys­ter­i­ous death of the Dean of St Paul’s Cathed­ral, Cap­tain Cur­ruth­ers’ mot­ley crew find them­selves neck–deep in a mor­ass of secret soci­et­ies, sac­red archi­tec­ture and the “waters” of the river Fleet…

Case File: A Frosty Reception at the Ministry (an Untold Tale of the Ministry)

Arriv­ing late for the annu­al Min­istry Christ­mas din­ner, the team battle zom­bies and a mys­ter­i­ous Nor­d­ic spirit.

Case File: The Green Eye of the Little Yellow God

Cap­tain Cur­ruth­ers receives a call for help from the fiancée of an old friend, draw­ing the team to the dusty plains of India…

Case File: Unnatural History

A new gen­er­a­tion of Min­istry agents tackle a ram­pa­ging dino­saur skel­et­on at the Nat­ur­al His­tory Museum.