Star Trek Lexington Season 4

Prism, Part I

Stard­ate, 50879.3. Lex­ing­ton becomes entangled in a battle to pre­vent the Borg from reach­ing Earth. Sev­er­al weeks later, the ship returns to the Shack­leton Expanse and a mis­sion to invest­ig­ate mys­ter­i­ous sig­nals from a tide-locked world.

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Second Contact, Part III

Stard­ate, 50149.2. Cap­tain Kon­in con­tin­ues his treaty nego­ti­ations with the Akaru. Zeph­t’s away mis­sion takes a turn towards the macabre as the land­ing party dis­cov­ers the ori­gin of the tele­path­ic dis­tress calls and uncov­ers a major secret.

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Second Contact, Part II

Stard­ate, 50148.3. Cap­tain Kon­in and his seni­or officers attempt to find out the Klin­gons’ inten­tions before the nego­ti­ations start. Zepht leads a cov­ert mis­sion to invest­ig­ate the mys­ter­i­ous facil­ity at the bot­tom of Setu’s seas.

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