Captain’s log, stardate 48175.1

Cap­tain Ford Pre­fect recording.

After work on the Arm­strong to con­fig­ure our sensors and sys­tems for the dif­fi­culties of the Shack­leton Expanse, we set sail from Nar­en­dra Sta­tion with Ven­ture and Thun­der­child. We quickly received orders from Star­fleet to seek out a miss­ing Aer­ie-class ship, the SS Tesla, a small Fed­er­a­tion sci­ence ves­sel in the Expanse cata­loguing anom­alies. Con­tact had been lost with them so we set out search­ing for plasma trails at their last known location.

We tracked them to the Orgun sys­tem and spe­cific­ally to Orgun III (pop­u­lated by a mid-21st cen­tury tech-level race sim­il­ar to Earth lemurs). The oth­er M‑class plan­et in the sys­tem is Orgun II (a medi­ev­al tech civilisation).

Elec­tro­mag­net­ic inter­fer­ence from Orgun III made scan­ning dif­fi­cult, but we found the Tesla on the sur­face but with no life signs. The inter­fer­ence was com­ing from a sub­ter­ranean source and caus­ing both geo­lo­gic­al and elec­tro­mag­net­ic issues across the surface.

I led a land­ing party to invest­ig­ate the ship. It had crashed on the sur­face caus­ing enough dam­age to know the land­ing was far from delib­er­ate. The crew cab­in was intact but the warp engines had been shut down and the ship’s data core removed. Along­side the ship were two recent graves, which tri­cord­er read­ings showed were for one human and an Andori­an. We later learned that the human the Cap­tain of the Tesla.

While out­side the ship we were engaged by the indi­gen­ous pop­u­la­tion and taken at gun­point (but oth­er­wise cor­di­ally) to their cap­it­al city, a cluster of trees, grown to provide homes and workspaces.